Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Sarah Jessica Parker Looks Like a Horse

Today's post is a short one. Partially because the old lady at the library is about to shut this place down and partially because there really isn't much to say about this one. The picture below pretty much sums it up. 

Okay, I'm still not sure how I feel about this. This isn't really the nicest thing on the internet but it makes me laugh. Every single time. What you're looking at is a picture from the infamous website sarahjessicaparkerlookslikeahorse.com. It's a tribute to an American icon known for her beauty and keen eye for fashion. Well, that's what google told me anyway. Truth is, I only know her as the witch from Hocus Pocus and one of the chicks from Sex and the City. Either way, she apparently, looks like a horse.

According to the website this video prompted the question, "Does Sarah Jessica Parker look like a horse?" I can kinda see it. From what the site tells me, others can to. The banner across the top of the web page gives a list of shows and blogs the site has been featured on. I'll admit, this took me by surprise. I'd stumbled across this a while back and wasn't quite sure what I was looking at. Now, it's got a bit of a cult following, with it's 111 subscribers. Yes, ladies and gentlemen. People are subscribing to this.

Which is cool I guess. You know, if you think the lady really looks like a horse. And though I am writing this with empathy, I can't help but continue to look at the pictures. And the more I look, the more I see it. Like this picture above. It's funny and a bit charming really. Maybe I am being a bit of an ass. Or maybe she really looks like one. Either way, apparently only the internet can judge us both.

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